Creative Inside® - unleashing untapped Talent, Creativity and Innovation ...
[4th January 2023]
In one of the most profound
ever made [e.g. most watched TED talk] Sir Ken Robinson provided both huge insights and great foresight by asking one question
Do schools kill Creativity?
Humans are born curious, playful, collaborative and creative, and untapped talent and creativity needs to be unleashed ... which is why Jewel of a School® will also be helping to create a world that's Creative Inside® ... for instance with the introduction of The Creative Crew®, where young people's creativity is nurtured, students earn Creative Points® and, through partnerships with forward-looking entrepeneurial groups already on the ground, helping to inspire the entrepreneurs of the future ...
The world of work/innovation is changing at an ever faster pace, which is clear for all to see with the increasing development/deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for instance.
is already pushing the boundaries of possibility (eg resourcefulness and creativity), disrupting analytics & creativity, and at the same time, supporting analytics & creativity (i.e. both disruptive and supportive). It naturally impacts education too, in both a disruptive and opportunistic way. The Creative Crew® will not only understand it's power it will utilize it's power and power it's power in a world that's Creative Inside®. The future is bright if we see the future, and embrace the future!
David Clift, Founder of the Good Turns Foundation
© Good Turns Foundation 2023 [GTF04012023_01]