In Purposeful Learning Environments advanced personal tutors and personal assistants are now supporting educators/coaches to help individual students/learners assimulate information faster and apply knowledge more effectively. The large amounts of time released is used for additional project based learning, which is used to build knowledge/experience and essential skills for the future (e.g. human/natural skills, values, citizenship, meaning/purpose, wisdom) ... [GTF13022025_01]
The UK languishes at the bottom of International League tables when it comes to mental health and wellbeing - and in 'Drive and Motivation' it's a statistical outlier. Poor 'Drive and Motivation' causally drives poor productivity (with 70% of citizens no longer motivated by either their work environment or by the democratic system), which results in poor/flat-lining growth ... and my overriding question? What's more important to a nation than the wellbeing of its people? [GTF05022025_01].
A year has passed, knowledge has grown, through purposeful action, seeds have been sown - At this moment in history, purpose takes its stand, a guiding north star, across this great land - An engaging vision, a beacon of light, Purposeful Britain, both vivid and bright - Purposeful Leaders light the way, Purposeful Practitioners act every day - Service, the anthem, steadfast and clear, a melody of kindness that draws us near - Purposeful Citizens, with hearts unbound, a nation of hope, where human flourishing is found ... [GTF01012025_01]
Energy is power, and when harnessed collectively/collaboratively it can become a force for good, creating pathways to a better future - a purposeful future. Purposeful Citizens find their unique pathway to a meaningful life and human flourishing (Eudaimonia/Ikigai). Purposeful Organizations offer meaningful work and a sustainable future by solving economic and societal challenges (Purposeful Enterprises/Purposeful Government). Purposeful Economics provides a pathway to a Wellbeing Economy (human/ecological flourishing and a thriving planet for generations to come). [GTF04122024_01]
Today, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, met with both the UK Prime Minister and Chancellor. BlackRock has a large footprint in the UK and supports thousands of jobs across the country. The insights provided to the British Government on how to put the UK on the world’s stage as a top investment destination and turbocharge growth will have been truly invaluable. This will have undoubtedly covered the requirements for investment and the future of enterprise. Here's a few things Larry Fink has previously said about moving to a purposeful future ... [GTF21112024_04]
It is shocking to find mainstream economics has no purpose - no explicit purpose. Its implicit purpose is centred upon the creation/maximization/transfer of wealth (i.e. money/assets). This narrow and implicit purpose is not serving humanity well, and will not serve us into the future. We need to move to a world where values are valued and economic systems & institutions need to become both explicit and PURPOSEFUL™ - e.g. focused on improving the wellbeing of people and planet, not reducing it. Change has already begun, and is accelerating ... [GTF16102024_01]
From the beginning of time humankind has sought meaning and purpose, in life, and in the work we do. This is a central part of 'being human', and critical to 'human flourishing'. However experts are all sounding the alarm, stating that humankind has become dangerously distracted by fame & fortune (money & likes), at the expense of others (people), communities (places) and the planet (nature/enviroment). At the same time more & more forward-looking individuals/organisations are becoming PURPOSEFUL™, and changing our world for the better ... [GTF22092024_01]
The world now understands the importance of purpose, in life and in business. Forward looking groups/institutions such as the British Academy and BSI already recognise its importance to a thriving Britain (PAS 808) and a flourishing world (ISO37011). To avoid purpose-wash it’s critical to embed Purpose into the organisation’s DNA and into every decision the enterprise makes. When this is done the organisation moves beyond Purpose to being Purposeful™ - i.e. a Purposeful Organisation™ ... [GTF31082024_01]
With information all around and confirmation bias abound, how is information turned into fact, and facts turned into evidence? When we do this, what do we find? As robust/rigorous studies are completed, their conclusions are very clear that the future will be a PURPOSEFUL one, as creating growth in SOCIAL VALUE (which itself generates long-term shareholder value/profit) becomes the primary responsibility of ENTIRE Leadership Teams ... with Purposeful Boards, and Purposeful Executives, Purposeful Directors, and Purposeful Trustees, all focused on creating social value i.e. thriving communities, Purposeful Organizations and a flourishing/sustainable Purposeful World ... [GTF27072024_01]
Around the world there's a buzz in the air, the direction of travel is rapidly changing, and a more Purposeful World is starting to appear ... focused on Purpose, on becoming Purposeful, and changing our world for the better (i.e. creating a Purposeful World). Purpose driven organisations acting as a force for good are actively/strategically moving away from a simple model of 'do no harm' to one with 'purpose', impact, and meaningful goals of 'doing good' and solving societal problems (eg. people & planet). Early adopters and investors have already moved, and more are rapidly following ... [GTF24072024_01]
Last week the people of the UK voted for 'change' - change to a Government in service of its people. Focus now turns to delivery - delivering five missions and beginning a decade of national renewal. Will the new Government get the two terms needed to do this? Will delivery of missions be enough? It will certainly provide a solid foundation, and a driving sense of purpose and a clear vision will also become crucial, as the US finds 'deliverism' is not enough ... [GFT12072024_01]
This week the people of the UK voted for 'change' - change to a Government in service of its people. Country-first, party-second. The politics of self-interest banished, and a new refreshing type of non-partisan 'politics' promised, focused on the national interest, which takes us back to Aristotle's definition of it. The coming together of citizens for the 'common good'. One small and important step towards creating a better Britain and a Purposeful Britain ... [GTF05072024_01]
Lest we forget ... on the 80th anniversary of D-Day the world comes together to remember the huge sacrifices made by all those who fought for our freedom - and to ensure future generations could flourish ... King Charles III made a very poignant speech in Normandy today and we have much to do to honor the legacy afforded to us and to build a world where 'Values are Valued' - a world where 'Good is Valued' and 'People and Communities thrive' ... [GTF06062024_01]
Following the electoral defeat of Andy Street, one of the Conservatives most trusted, respected, capable, and popular politicians, the fight will undoubtedly begin for the heart and soul of the Conservative Party. Will the Conservative Party move to the centre, as Andy Street says it must, or will it move to the right? Both sides are saying the party faces an existential threat if it gets this decision wrong. Are they right? If so, who's right? Andy Street, in his post electoral speech, also said "Trust is perhaps the most important word in politics of all" ... [GTF07052024_01]
As humanity & the planet faces ever increasing challenges a new era of governance is emerging ... a new, engaging, exciting, holistic, and purposeful governance within Organizations, Enterprise, Education and Government (creating Purposeful Organizations, Purposeful Enterprise, Purposeful Education and Purposeful Government). A key part of this involves understanding the differences between vision, mission, purpose & purposeful. So what are the differences? [GTF01052024_01}
How's Britain's 'Drive & Motivation'? ... according to the latest Mental State of the World report it's rock bottom. Bottom in international league tables and an outlier to all other countries. To address this we will need Purposeful Government ... with a clear vision and strategy capable of creating a thriving, flourishing Purposeful Britain - providing hope & opportunity and continuously improving wellbeing for people, place & planet - which we call Purposeful Wellbeing™ ... [GTF10052024_01]
Unintended consequences often take time to manifest, and often occur outside of the timescales/focus of politicians/investors. Seeing houses/land as profitable "investment assets/vehicles", rather than "homes for families", results in reduced birth rates, the decline of a nation, and the death of a civilization (if the birth rate falls below 2.1). If this happens a nation becomes reliant on mass controlled immigration to survive, and is where Britain finds itself now ... [GFT11042024_01]
Today we are sad to announce the passing of an amazing person and a trustee of this foundation, John Clift. Also my father, who supported me in setting up this foundation in the memory of my mother, Anne Clift. The work the Good Turns Foundation is doing builds upon conversations dad's maintained for many many years about values and purpose. Rest in peace, as we celebrate your life, and continue this purposeful work in your memory too [GTF15032024_01]
Humanity is waking up every day to a world with ever increasing challenges ... and for humanity and the environment to survive & thrive in the future we will need to see Purposeful Growth ... growth in wellbeing and a result of Purposeful Economics™, enabled by Purposeful Government™ & created by Purposeful Organisations™ successfully solving societal & environmental problems, cf 'creating' problems or 'profiting' from 'processing' problems [GTF11032024_01]
In Britain a new era of 'Purposeful Governance' is now emerging and this is just the beginning ... 'Purpose Wash' needs to be avoided ... and to achieve this Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is needed from the outset. When this is done intellectual property law protects/supports effective collaborations/organisations acting as a force for good i.e. the 'purposeful actions' needed to co-create 'Purposeful Britain' and a 'Purposeful World' [GTF04032024_01]
Humanity is waking up every day to ever increasing challenges and many people now refer to a 'Broken Britain' ... a Britain which has lost its sense of purpose, the strong values/virtues it once held, and the sense of community/service that once prevailed ... a place where nothing seems to work anymore. To turns things around we will need strong purposeful action. So what would a Purposeful Britain™, powered by Purposeful Education™, Purposeful Organizations™, Purposeful Enterprise™, Purposeful Economics™ & Purposeful Government™ look like? [GTF01022024_02]
Humanity is waking up every day with ever increasing challenges/crises (e.g. fear, unrest, climate change, avarice, war, polarisation, populism, mistruth, reducing democracy, increasing electoral interference, the growing application of AI and its potential future impact on jobs). To change this and turn things around will need strong purposeful action ... so what would a Purposeful World™ look like? [GTF01022024_01]
Humanity is waking up every day to a world with ever increasing challenges, and for humanity & the environment to survive and thrive in the future we will need a new economics, Purposeful Economics™, that puts human and planetary wellbeing at its heart ... early foundations are here, e.g. Doughnut Economics, Regenerative Economics, GNH, and these will need to develop/grow if we are to create a thriving Purposeful Britain™, and a sustainable, flourishing, Purposeful World™.
Economics needs updating ... and to start this we need to ask some very simple questions ... e.g. what's the 'purpose' of 'economics', what's the 'purpose' of an 'economy'? Some economists say it's about 'creating wellbeing for all' ... for humanity and the planet ... so is this true? This is being heavily questioned, especially given traditional economics classifies both society (eg social justice) & the environment as 'externalities' and still has GDP growth as its primary measure of success.
Economics does not currently focus on human/planetary wellbeing, and more questions are now being asked, e.g. i) should houses be seen/used as 'investment vehicles' (i.e. units/dwellings) or a human right (i.e. a home)? ii) is investment in 'unproductive assets' a route to economic success, or failure? iii) is house price growth a sign of economic success, or failure? iv) is GDP the right measure of "success" for an economy? v) what's the purpose of 'economics'? and vi) what the economy's stated 'purpose'? ... moving us towards Purposeful Economics™. [GTF06012024_01]
The beginning of a year, new pages to unfold - chapters to be written, fresh stories to be told.
With humanity a beacon, forever shining bright - we embark on a journey with purpose and light.
Beyond facts and figures, wisdom is found - by nurturing character, humanity abound.
Purposeful Education, a vision alight - inspiring minds, skills shining bright ...
In the tapestry of time, let humanity see - a world able to flourish, and a life meant to be.
At the start of a year, new beginnings unfold - through human hand, refreshing stories are told.
A Purposeful Britain, a beacon in sight - where values are valued, and the light shines bright.
In the canvas of time, purpose takes its stand - a defining north star, across this great land.
So, let the new year ring with purpose profound - in a Purposeful Britain, good deeds all around.
A sustainable future, shaped by humanity’s hand - inspiring a nation, in a purposeful stand ...
With the many crises faced (e.g. social breakdown, health challenges, financial challenges and environmental challenges), purposeful action is now needed to turn things around ... effective purposeful action ... founded on values, service, and a clear sense of purpose. Solutions to all the above challenges exist ... and we need Purposeful Government™ ... a trusted, Purpose Driven Government™, focused on creating a thriving, flourishing, Purposeful Britain™ [GTF20122023_01]
With the crises now faced, Purposeful Organisations™, Purposeful Enterprises™ and Purposeful Government™ are needed - to create a thriving, flourishing, Purposeful Britain™ - a successful, sustainable & healthy future, where the wellbeing of individuals, communities and the planet take centre stage. The British Standards Institute has issued guidance around creating Purpose-Driven Organisations ... and adding one extra paragraph to company law (to accelerate/support purpose-driven practices) would also boost the economy (GVA) by £149bn. [GTF1912023_01]
Within education, enterprise, not-for-profit organisations, and government, 'Values' and 'Purpose' will be key/foundational to humanity's future; our collective future, and a successful & sustainable future, on an individual level, societal level and planetary level. Their importance was emphasised again at Anthropy, a unique gathering of forward-looking leaders focused upon inspiring/creating a better Britain ... and a flourishing, sustainable and Purposeful World™. [GTF02112023_01]
Is humankind rapidly & systematically destroying humanity? [e.g. climate crisis, terror, war, social breakdown, culture wars, drugs, knife crime, robbery, hunger, homelessness]. In the opinion of an ever-growing number of distinguished & learned psychologists, economists, technology experts, climate scientists, neuroscientists, philosophers & philanthropists etc, we are ... will we avoid the trap we have set itself, so we survive & thrive? We need to decide and now ... [GTF13122023_01]
Jewel of a School™ embraces knowledge/learning from around the world and provides renewed hope and opportunity for all ... with a path to a successful/fulfilling life through the good young people do for others, communities and the planet - a Purposeful Education™ that develops the 'human skills' young people need ... and inspires young people to create a Purposeful World™. [GTF07122022_01]
These are critical questions for all business/organisations and to all our personal lives too - dream big ... and if it's not big, grab a coffee, reflect more, and think bigger ... what's your vision, what's your mission, what's your purpose ... how do we find them, define them, and bring them to life? The Good Turns Foundation has defined it's vision, mission and purpose ... and has created Good Points™, Purposeful Education™, Finding You™, Purposeful Ambassadors™ (and Purposeful Organisations™) to partner with others and help more individuals/organisations to find theirs too
More articles are being published (this time in School Week & TES) highlighting what we've known for a number of years, that the future of education will be powered by purpose, e.g. providing a sense of meaning/purpose & built upon solid foundations, Psychological Well-Being (cf Hedonistic Well-Being). This wisdom goes all the way back to Aristotle (who called it Eudaimonia™), and is a small (albeit significant) part of what Purposeful Education™ is all about ... [21082023_01]
A new study just published by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) examines the above (and more) and highlights many things, e.g. the majority of young people aged between 11-18 never, or only occasionally, enjoy school ... and that in the future, purpose/meaning, psychological wellbeing (Eudaimonia™), and changes to recognition & assessment are all going to be key ... and all the above are exactly why the Good Turns Foundation & Purposeful Education™ were brought into being & from their very outset were founded upon ... [GTF15082023_01]
This great graphic describes well what Purposeful Education™ is all about, and it aligns perfectly with the "purpose" of the Good Turns Foundation too ... Education will only 'succeed' if it can offer young people hope & opportunity, and also continuously improve the wellbeing of each individual, the community & planet. It needs strong foundations (e.g. values/purpose), the unleashing of all talents/skills (ie competencies) & meaningful recognition & 'reward' (eg for the good young people do, the activities they participate in & the talents/skills they demonstrate) ... [GTF04082023_01]
By embracing the very best in education from all around the world and partnering with forward-thinking individuals & organisations, Purposeful Education™ will help supercharge the delivery of Education 4.0, and join together leading-edge thinking/practices in education, psychology, health, wellbeing, employment and skills, with world-class 'purpose-driven' management practice ... to help create purposeful learning environments (e.g. Purposeful School™/University™) ...
The measure of success/effectiveness of anything is dependent on its purpose, and if its purpose has never been properly defined how can we know how successful/effective it is? In the education system the ‘purpose’ is mostly implicit (eg through its measures of ‘success’). A rethinking of purpose, and an explicit, agreed and engaging co-produced definition of purpose will be essential if we are to help young people (and places, people and planet) to thrive ... [GTF20062023_01]
Humanity is waking up every day to a world with ever increasing challenges (eg social breakdown, multiple health crises, crippling financial challenges & environmental challenges). If we are to both survive & thrive in the future we will need to change course, and quickly, and use the very best of humanity's knowledge, wisdom & capabilities ... to come together with a strong/clear sense of purpose ... and create Purposeful Enterprises & Purposeful Organizations [GTF01092023_01]
"Humans are built for purposefulness. Ancient philosophers postulated, and modern scientists have proved, that people striving for meaningful lives are mentally healthier, more resilient, and more motivated. They are also physically stronger and live longer. They contribute more to their families, friends, and society at large" ... a brilliant article published in the Havard Business Review pointing to the future ... [GTF16062023_01]
As humankind faces a multiplicity of crises there is only one thing that will save us - creating a world where 'values are valued', a world where 'good is valued' and a world where people’s time (and the good people do) is valued just as much as money. This is why the Good Turns Foundation was created and as part of Coronation Weekend I've loved helping out at the Dudley Canal & Tunnel Trust and meeting amazing people equally passionate about making a difference to people's lives and the world we live in ... [GTF08052023_01]
At a time of great challenge leadership is needed to steer a ship into better/calmer waters. At a time where collective crises have created a ‘perfect storm’, never has this been more needed. We need leadership that moves us towards a world where ‘values are valued’ and to a world where people’s time (and the good people do) is valued just as much as money. This is why the Good Turns Foundation was created and we hope this landmark day (the Coronation of King Charles III) and the Coronation Weekend provide yet another step in the right direction ... [GTF05052023_01]
The above is just one of the subjects being explored at 'Person-Centred Neuroscience 2023' on 27th June. A fantastic gathering of experts and practitioners all passionate about improving people's lives through discussing and sharing the wide variety of trauma informed knowledge and experiences within the room. We look forward to joining in, to sharing Jewel of a School's plans for boosting psychological well-being, and to helping out in any way we can [GTF21042023_01]
A profound and insightful article reporting upon the work of Robert Wallinger, exposing what really makes people happy and healthy, based upon an 85 year Havard study of people as they progress through life. When young, we set out in life thinking it involves becoming rich and famous, when we look back we find it's not these things at all ... and find out it's all about being with people we care about and doing things we care about ... [GTF07022023_01]
Humanity is struggling, and by our actions the natural world is struggling too ...With a relentless drive 'for things' overtaking humanity's unique ability 'to see', humanity is rapidly trapping itself - by introducing more & more obstacles that stop humans from being human. A number of people say such barriers are put in place to make us stop, look, and see, and if we do not do this then the path will continue, and appear ever more difficult. The human mind is created with the unique ability 'to see' and we need to ensure we do this - humankind needs to 'Just Be', and to 'Just See'
In the UK the 8th May 2023 is set to become a day of national celebration, where everyone will have the opportunity to volunteer a little of their time to helping others and the many thousands of volunteer organisations / charities. This follows the Christmas message given by King Charles III which highlighted the immense value created by all those who volunteer their time to help others, their communities and the environment, and the Palace would like 'volunteering' to become a lasting Legacy ... brilliant news! [GTF21012023_01]
Science seeks to understand the way the world works and to explain what we see ... and can't see (e.g. inside the mind) ... why? ... to gain insight/knowledge, apply this knowledge and push the boundaries of knowledge ... and why? ... to solve problems ... and science powers what the Good Turns Foundation does too ... including the landmark work of Dr. Iain McGilchrist, 'The Matter with Things', which broadens our understanding of how the mind works ... [GTF08012023_01]
With Artificial Intelligence launched only a month ago, here's what ChatGPT has to say about the Good Turns Foundation and it's Good Points System®, a system designed to create a world 'where good is valued' and being introduced to boost psychological well-being / happiness, by enhancing the level of meaning / purpose in people's lives and recognising / rewarding the good people voluntarily do for others, communities and the planet ... [GTF06012023_01]
Humans are born curious, playful, collaborative and creative, and untapped talent and creativity needs to be unleashed ... which is why Jewel of a School® will also be helping to create a world that's Creative Inside® ... for instance with the introduction of The Creative Crew®, where young people's creativity is nurtured, students earn Creative Points® and, through partnerships, young people are helped to become the entrepreneurs of the future ... [04012023_01]
The Christmas broadcast from King Charles III provided a timely reminder of the precious nature of time and to a life devoted to service ... founded upon virtue ... and pointing to the future ... to a world where values are valued, where good is valued, and people, communities and the planet all thrive ... today we look forward to seeing 2023 becoming a landmark year and a turning point to a better future ... as we wish everyone a Happy New Year ... [01012023_01]
A most profound first Christmas message from King Charles III, from St George's Chapel, following on from (and in memory of) the late Queen Elizabeth II, reminding us of a heartfelt and devoted life of Service ... founded on Virtue ... and shining a light to the future ... there are many profound elements in the Christmas message that very much chime with me personally, and align perfectly with the Foundation's plans too ... [25122022_01]
Today we remember Dr W. Edwards Deming, who passed away 29 years ago today and upon whom much of our work is based. Just before his death, and whilst still teaching despite being very unwell, Deming was asked, "why don't you go home and get some rest?" ... he replied, “I’m doing this because I have a responsibility to make a difference” ... today we both celebrate his life and honor his life by building upon the knowledge he gave us to provide hope for the future ... and to help change the world for the better as we head into 2023 ... [GTF20122022_01]
If anyone is in any doubt as to why we are doing what we are doing, and the importance of what we are doing to help young people, then they should watch this profound speech given by Izzy Garbutt, MYP for Wigan and Leigh, in the Youth Parliament [30min]. Young people are making their voice heard, loudly and clearly [Nov 2022], adding weight as to why Jewel of a School is being developed, and bringing well-being, values, character, and skills for life centre stage ... [GTF18112022-01]
In the future well-being will take centre stage and become top priority. For example, parents now prioritise well-being over academic attainment, by an order of ten to one, and for economic / community well-being it's imperative we unleash the nation’s untapped talent and creativity, whilst offering everyone a path to a successful / fulfilling life, independent of academic ability, physical ability or wallet (c.f. one way to ‘level-up’) ... and we are this week joining other forward-looking leaders to help create a new vision for Britain [GTF01112022_01]
As a growing mental crisis continues to spiral out of control, and support organisations are unable to cope (e.g. CAMHS), the need to address root causes has never been more important. We need to renew 'Hope', and as over 2000 years of psychology and philosophy highlight, psychological wellbeing (Eudaimonia), created from having meaning/purpose in our lives, and doing good for others, communities and the environment is critical to this ... and is why the Foundation is doing what it is going (e.g. Good Points®, Wellbeing Points®, Resilience Points®) ... [GTF10102022_01]
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II demonstrated to the world the importance of Virtue ... and we thank Her Majesty from the bottom of our hearts ... looking forward, upholding Her Majesty's dedication to Virtue is in my humble opinion now our collective responsibility, to ensure this beacon of light/hope continues to shine brightly in Her Majesty's honor. Virtue has been the fundamental bedrock/foundations of ethical teaching, spirituality, philosophy & psychology across the globe and for thousands of years and needs to come to the fore again [GTF20092022_01]
Queen Elizabeth II redefined the meaning of duty and at the same time demonstrated to entire world the value and importance of living a life of service ... we thank Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from the bottom of our hearts ... and in my humble opinion it's now our collective responsibility to ensure the beacon of light/hope Queen Elizabeth II so majestically provided continues to shine brightly in Her Majesty's memory, rest in peace. [GTF08092022_01]
What an amazingly spectacular Commonwealth Games! A never to be forgotten Games with passion / enthusiasm abound. There will surely be many a legacy linked back to this games and the city of Birmingham ... including a renewed energy and passion for volunteering, exercise and sport, which is something the Good Turns Foundation is looking to help bring about, for instance by uniquely awarding (and rewarding) Volunteer Points™, Exercise Points™ and Sports Points™
Today we face a growing crisis - a mental well-being crisis and 'depression' is reaching epidemic levels ... to address this the Good Turns Foundation is focused on 'providing hope and opportunity and continuously improving well-being' - 'psychological well-being' - the intrinsic/natural well-being gained from having meaning/purpose in our lives and doing good for others, communities and the environment [GTF20702022_01]
Foundations provide the bedrock on which all things are built ... and the vision, mission & purpose provide the foundation for an organisation and its 'reason for being' ... for the Good Turns Foundation these are:
Vision: to 'see' a world where 'values are valued' and the world thrives™
Mission: creating a world where good is valued and people and communities thrive™
Purpose: providing hope and opportunity and continuously improving wellbeing™
Today we face a growing crisis - a mental health crisis! ... people are suffering and health services are struggling to cope! To truly tackle this crisis we need to address its causes, and focus on directly boosting psychological well-being - the intrinsic / natural well-being gained from having meaning / purpose in our lives and doing good for others, communities and the environment ... which is what the Good Turns Foundation is uniquely doing ... by recognising and rewarding people's Good Points! [GTF04072022_01]
The Times Education Commission recently highlighted "how parents overwhelmingly prioritise their child’s wellbeing over academic attainment - by a majority of ten to one - and they feel that schools focus too narrowly on exams". This aligns very well with the Foundation's findings too, and with our unique plans designed to boost well-being (specifically pyschological well-being) and to directly address the ballooning mental health crisis [GTF30062022_01]
The 'Times Education Commission' published its report on the future of education which contains many bold/ambitious recommendations for moving forward. The report fully aligns with plans the Good Turns Foundation has to provide 'hope and opportunity' and to 'help young people to thrive', referencing placing well-being centre-stage, the importance of volunteering, the development of character/skills and the importance of nurturing creativity/entrepreneurialism [GTF17062022_01]
As we search for meaning in our lives and work we must ask ourselves 'what world we are trying to help build' ... for this we need vision, a clear mission and purpose ... and for the Good Turns Foundation the 'vision' is seeing a world where values are valued and the world thrives™ ... the 'mission' is creating a world where good is valued and people and communities thrive™ ... the 'purpose' is providing hope & opportunity and continuously improve wellbeing™ ... which align very well with many brilliant, forward looking and inspirational leaders and organisations [GTF18052022_01]
A seismic shift is taking place in the world of enterprise and changing things for the better ... Enterprises and investors are increasingly looking longer-term and to create 'value from values', by focusing on Purpose, People and Planet ... which is proving to be highly successful ... forward looking enterprises are showing the way and not looking back [GTF11042022_01]
Adam Grant, organisational psychologist at Wharton, refers to above and I couldn't agree more ...
"Striving to be the best is a mistake. It creates the illusion of an endpoint - and a delusion that you can only succeed by beating others. Striving to be better shifts the focus from victory to mastery. You're competing with your past self and raising the bar for your future self" [GTF23022022_01]
There's an age old saying that "employees are a companies most valuable asset" ... however for many these words are seen as sound-bites when the world around them seems to scream quite the opposite ... however the world is changing ... and investors are starting to look at investment in companies in very different ways [GTF22022022_01]
There is an age old saying that "you get what you measure" ... and for this reason we have to be extremely careful what we measure and reward! ... this article points out how the world is now moving to a new paradigm ... a world where 'behaviours' are measured and rewarded.
As Children's Mental Health Week begins (7-13th February 2022), this article points to new data highlighting the scale of the mental health crisis facing young people today ... and how the Good Turns Foundation plans to help tackle the root causes of this crisis, 7th February 2022.
'Those with nothing are happy with something, whilst those with everything are not happy with anything' (i.e. they want bigger/better) ... the world is moving away from a world where money is the only measure of 'value' ... and towards a world where 'values' are 'valued', 1st February 2022.
'What gets measured gets done' ... and philosophy and economics are now moving to the next phase of enlightenment ... a world where 'values' are valued, 29th January 2022.
During a brilliant conversation, between Craig Fenton (Google, UKI) and Nic Marks (Happiness expert) a great deal of insight was shared ... including the importance of 'Giving' and the power of psychological well-being [GTF27012022_01]
"We hire for Personality and train for Skills" ... a new world where what works 'is' and what 'is' creates a better Society ...
The word continues to spread in Julian Richer's book entitled 'The Ethical Capitalist'
January 23th 2022 [GTF23012022_01]
Economics is going back to it's roots as a Science to undergo a 'meaningful' and 'purposeful' re-think about Economics and Well-being, 22nd January 2022
Pleasure, happiness, meaning, fulfilment ... a fresh perspective built upon robust foundations of both Psychology and Philosophy, 17th January 2022
The new dragon in the Dragon's Den breathing fire about growing levels of depression and anxiety and pointing the way to a Better World, 15th January 2022
Tony Robbins and Tom Hardy talking about individuals, communities and enterprises creating a lasting legacy and a better World, 13th January 2022
This article highlights the link between the Lion King and the Good Turns Foundation.
10th January 2022
Announcement of The Good Turns Foundation launch, 1st January 2022
Articles, announcements and news from the Good Turns Foundation