The Future of Enterprise - creating 'Value' from 'Values'
[April 11th 2022]
A seismic shift is taking place in the world of enterprise and changing things for the better. Enterprises and investors are increasingly looking longer-term and to create 'value from values', by focusing on Purpose, People and Planet ... this is proving to be highly successful and forward looking enterprises (e.g. Virgin, Uniliver) are showing the way and not looking back ...
To find out more I would fully recommend reading the brilliant book, 'Net Positive' [Paul Polmon, Andrew Winston] and listening to Holly Branson interview both Richard Branson (Virgin Group) and Paul Polmon (ex CEO of Unilever) as they talk about the book and the future of enterprise.
Enterprises are asking the big questions such as 'is the world a better place for my business being within it' ... and looking towards a world where 'values are valued' and enterprise 'grow value though their values'. Similarly they are not asking how do we become 'net zero' and are instead asking how do we become 'net positive' ... and then doing it!
This shift in emphasis from an enterprise/investor perspective (to one creating
'value from values') aligns perfectly with the vision and mission of the Good Turns Foundation ...
The 'vision' of the Good Turns Foundation is to see a world where 'values are valued' and 'the world thrives' ...
of the Good Turns Foundation is creating a world where
'good is valued'
'people and the communities thrive'
... in this case viewed from an individual, community and global perspective ...
David Clift, Founder of the Good Turns Foundation
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