
To join, first register here and get your membership number. You can then join in, meet fellow members and start getting involved with doing Good Turns within the community! By getting involved (and earning Good Turn Points) you are also very welcome to join our group on Facebook, where Good Turn Members can also connect and help one another (e.g. Trading Good Turns), as well as gain access to exclusive events and services!

Register now

* Registration details are kept private by Good Turns and not shared with third parties and you must be 18 years or older.

Getting Involved

Meeting up and helping out!

By joining Good Turns on the Meetup platform (a well known global platform for both organising and co-ordinating activities and events) you'll be able to immediately get involved in lots of activities, meet with fellow members and start to make a real difference in your community! Join now and start earning Good Turn Points too!

Join in now!

Joining us on Facebook

Helping one another!

Once you've started meeting fellow Good Turn Members and got involved in activities and events in your area you'll also be able to access the Good Turn members group on Facebook if you wish to too! Here good people who'd like to can connect further as a group and start to help one another out too (e.g. by trading Good Turn Points)!

Join the Members Group!

Following on Social Media

Sharing/spreading the word!

The Good Turns Foundation is also on Instagram and it's here we share lots of Good Turns being carried out in our communities. By following us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter (and liking posts) you'll be helping to fund more Good Turns in the Community too ... so follow us now, spread the word and 'Help us do More Good'!

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