Purposeful Goverment - Mental Health & Wellbeing
The current Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill inexplicably has no measure of wellbeing within it. At the same time the UK languishes at the bottom of International League tables when it comes to mental health & wellbeing (see chart at the bottom of the page).
Many, including myself, have lobbied to get this rectified. For instance The Children's Society, BeeWell, Pro Bono Economics, and ex-cabinet secretary Lord Gus O'Donnell have all lobbied to get this changed, and an
amendment to the Bill has been tabled to address this.
Let's see if Government listens. My lobbying included attending a 'Listening' event held by Rt Hon Darren Jones MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, where I raised this very question.
At this meeting I also provided a growth argument. The UK is not only bottom of International League tables for 'Drive and Motivation', it's a statistical outlier. Poor 'Drive and Motivation' causally drives poor productivity (with over 70% of citizens no longer motivated by their work environment or by the democratic system), which results in poor/flat-lining growth.
And if Government likes a growth argument here's another, published in the Guardian today. An article supporting the Centre for Mental Health, the Centre for Young Lives, the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition and Young Minds. Just like ourselves, organisations who are passionate about mental health and joining forces to help create a thriving, flourishing, Purposeful Britain.
And my overriding question? What's more important to a nation than the wellbeing of its people?
David Clift
Purposeful Ambassador®
Co-founder, Purposeful Education
Founder, Good Turns & Purposeful Enterprises
Co-developer of Purposeful Britain and a Purposeful World
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