Purposeful Organisations ... Purposeful World

Purposeful Organisations ... Purposeful World

Every day the 'world' we live in presents us with ever increasing challenges ... growing levels of social breakdown (crime, unrest, war, mistrust, disengagement), increasing health challenges (famine, obesity, mental health crisis, stress, anxiety), financial challenges (debt, flat-lining productivity, economic decline, staff disengagement), and environmental challenges (climate change, diversity loss, pollution) ... and I'm sure you could name many more besides too.

For the World to survive & thrive in the future a new era of enterprise governance is emerging (nb levels of staff disengagement levels can often be over 80%). For instance, the British Academy followed up on its initial report ("Reforming Business for the 21st Century") by publishing "Principles for Purposeful Business", and the British Standards Institute (BSI) has also published guidance for the creation of Purpose-Driven Organizations (PAS 808) too ... and this is just the beginning.

Purposeful Enterprises & Purposeful Organizations will emerge that are explicit & highly motivational in terms of purpose, focused upon wellbeing, people and planet (i.e. going beyond shareholder return/short-term financial gains). There will be no social-wash, green-wash, or purpose-wash, and together they will collectively & effectively address the existential challenges humanity and the planet now faces.

They will deploy state-of-the-art world-class 'Purpose-Driven' management practice (e.g. as outlined in my book), with highly trained Purposeful Boards, Purposeful Executives, Purposeful Directors, Purposeful Trustees and Purposeful Ambassadors. It's about having all executives & directors trained to identify & implement purposeful / ethical long-term action (ie policy / plans), for the benefit of all stakeholders.

In education (i.e. Purposeful Education) there will be highly trained and Purposeful Headteachers, Purposeful Principals, Purposeful Trustees, Purposeful Governors, Purposeful Teachers, Purposeful Coaches, and Purposeful Educators too.

Purposeful Government
, Purposeful Governors, Purposeful MP's & Purposeful Councils will also be needed, applying a wider/more holistic form of Purposeful Economics too (e.g. GNH/Doughnut Economics), focusing on the wellbeing of all individuals, society and the natural world (ie not just money, wealth & GDP growth).

There are solutions and there is hope. For instance, by adding just one extra paragraph to UK company law (to accelerate/support purpose-driven practices) the UK economy (GVA) is expected to grow by an additional £149bn ... another step towards a thriving, flourishing, Purposeful Britain and a Purposeful World.

David Clift


Purposeful Ambassador®

Co-founder, Purposeful Education

Founder, Good Turns & Purposeful Enterprises

Co-developer of Purposeful  Britain and a Purposeful World

Purposeful Organizations™, Purposeful Enterprises™, Purposeful Board™, Purposeful Executive™, Purposeful Director™, Purposeful Trustee™, Purposeful Ambassador™, Purposeful Government™, Purpose Driven Government™, Purposeful Britain™, Purposeful Communities™, Purposeful Council™, Purposeful MP™, Purposeful Partner™, Purposeful Investor™, Purposeful World™, Purposeful Britain™, Purposeful Communities™, Purposeful Council™, Purposeful Education™,  Purposeful Governor™, Purposeful School™, Purposeful Academy™, Purposeful University™,  Purposeful Coach™, Purposeful Educator™, Good Points™, Good Points System™, Good Turns™, Good Turns Foundation™ etc are all recognised/registered trademarks.


© Good Turns Foundation 2023

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