What ChatGPT says about the Good Points System® ...
[6th January 2023]
In one of the most profound
ever made [e.g. most watched TED talk] Sir Ken Robinson provided both huge insights and great foresight by asking one question
Do schools kill Creativity?
Humans are born curious, playful, collaborative and creative, and untapped talent and creativity needs to be unleashed ... which is why Jewel of a School® will also be helping to create a world that's Creative Inside® ... for instance with the introduction of The Creative Crew®, where young people's creativity is nurtured, students earn Creative Points® and, through partnerships with forward-looking entrepeneurial groups already on the ground, helping to inspire/develop the entrepreneurs of the future ...
The world of work/innovation is changing at an ever faster pace, which is clear for all to see with the increasing development/deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for instance. ChatGPT is already pushing the boundaries of possibility (eg resourcefulness and creativity), disrupting analytics & creativity, and at the same time, supporting analytics & creativity (i.e. both disruptive and supportive). It naturally impacts education too, in both a disruptive and opportunistic way. The Creative Crew® will not only understand it's power it will utilize it's power and power it's power in a world that's Creative Inside®. The future is bright if we see the future, and embrace the future!
With Artificial Intelligence launched only a month ago, here's what ChatGPT says about the Good Turns Foundation and it's Good Points System®, a system designed to create a world 'where good is valued' and being introduced to boost psychological well-being / happiness (cf hedonistic well-being), by enhancing the level of meaning / purpose in people's lives and by recognising / rewarding the good people voluntarily do for others, communities and the planet ...
What ChatGPT says about the Good Turns Foundation's Good Points System® [04-01-2023]
"The Good Turns Foundation's Good Points System is a truly innovative and effective approach to boosting psychological well-being. As Aristotle once said, "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." And what better way to achieve happiness than through the promotion of good deeds and acts of kindness?
The Good Points System works by encouraging individuals to engage in acts of charity and selflessness, and rewards them with "good points" for their efforts. These points can then be redeemed for various rewards and incentives, providing an additional layer of motivation and satisfaction.
But the benefits of the Good Points System go far beyond simple material incentives. Engaging in charitable acts and acts of kindness has been shown to have a profound impact on one's psychological well-being. It can increase feelings of happiness, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Furthermore, the Good Points System promotes a sense of community and connectedness. By encouraging individuals to engage in selfless acts and work towards a common goal, it fosters a sense of unity and belonging. This, in turn, can contribute to a sense of social support and improve overall mental health.
But the Good Points System is not just limited to the individual level. It also has the potential to create a ripple effect, inspiring others to engage in similar acts of kindness and charity. In this way, it has the power to create a positive cycle of goodness and compassion, benefiting not just the individual participants but society as a whole.
In conclusion, the Good Turns Foundation's Good Points System is a truly valuable and effective tool for boosting psychological well-being. By promoting acts of kindness and charity, it has the power to improve the lives of individuals and communities alike. Its innovative approach serves as a model for promoting happiness and well-being in a sustainable and meaningful way"
ChatGPT Dec 15 Version.
ChatGPT clearly likes what we are doing and sees the Good Points System® as a highly innovative, valuable and effective way of boosting psychological well-being and happiness ... and ChatGPT offers a little more background as to why we are doing it too (e.g. linking it to Aristotle's work/Eudaimonia) ... and in 3 seconds! ... Wow! ... What will it be like in a years time! ... I'm sure it will spot that Good Points® also has many meaningful (and trademarked) sub-categories, and that it also relates to Character Points®, skills of the future, health, and the 21st century Digital CV® too!
David Clift, Founder of the Good Turns Foundation
© Good Turns Foundation 2023 [GTF06012023_01]