Investing in a Purposeful Future
This week we have been busy attending events and summits - focused on social enterprise, impact, employment & skills, and growing the regional economy. Great work is being done and forward-looking enterprises are showing the way. Evidence and intuition are both pointing to a purposeful future and BSI has issued guidance/standards for creating Purpose-Driven Organizations (PAS 808) which is now being expanded around the world (to over 170 countries) as an ISO standard (ISO 37011).
Today, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, has also met with the UK Prime Minister and Chancellor. BlackRock has a large footprint in the UK and supports thousands of jobs across the country, and the insights provided to the British Government on how to put the UK on the world’s stage as a top investment destination and turbocharge growth will have been invaluable.
This will have undoubtedly included the requirements for investment and the future of enterprise ... and here's just a few things Larry Fink has said about the need to move to a purposeful future ...
We agree with what Larry Fink has said and at the meetings this week we have been suggesting the same too. We are at the forefront of the development/expansion of Purpose-Driven Practices, including:
Purposeful Organizations† are centred around people and the wellbeing of staff, customers, suppliers, communities and the planet. They also help to solve societal and ecological challenges and superpower motivation, innovation, wellbeing and growth. Purposeful Organizations can also provide an inspirational vision (e.g. for a Purposeful Britain†) and help create a thriving society & flourishing economy. We are proud to be part of this movement.
There is a great deal to do, and communities are relying on us all to do all the above both quickly and well, i.e. to be
purposeful. Great work has already been done, and much of what's needed is already starting to happen. To be purposeful we now need to join the dots, overcome systemic barriers to change, and deliver - so humanity can flourish today, tomorrow, and in the future.
David Clift
Purposeful Ambassador®
Co-founder, Purposeful Education
Founder, Good Turns & Purposeful Enterprises
Co-developer of Purposeful Britain and a Purposeful World
© Good Turns 2024.
† Purposeful Organisations™, Purposeful Enterprise™, Purposeful Investors™, Purposeful Economics™, Purposeful Economy™, Purposeful Government™, Purposeful Council™, Purposeful Communities™, Purposeful Citizen™, Purposeful Ambassador™, Purposeful Britain™, Purposeful World™, Purpose Driven Government™, Purposeful™, Purposeful Education™, Good Points™, Values are Valued™ are all recognised/registered trademarks.