Purposeful Britain ... a Beacon of Light
The beginning of a year, new pages to unfold,
Chapters to be written, fresh stories to be told.
With humanity a beacon, forever shining bright,
We embark on a journey, with purpose and light.
Values, the north star that guides our way,
Integrity, kindness, in every role we play.
At the heart of virtues, strength is found,
A foundation sturdy, on life's sacred ground.
Purpose, the driving force, a flame within,
Igniting passions, where dreams begin.
With clarity of intent, we shape our fate,
A purposeful journey, never to abate.
Sustainability, a promise to the earth,
A commitment to cherish, to nurture its worth.
From the call of nature, we find our place,
Preserving the future, a shared embrace.
Wellbeing, the melodies of nature's songs,
In rhythm together, where humanity belongs.
Mind, body, soul, planet, a harmonious blend,
a sanctuary for wellness, a journey to mend.
Creativity dances, and sparks innovation,
Inspiring ideas, the success of a nation.
Imagination's flight, when boundless and free,
Forms a symphony of ideas, a vision to be.
Purposeful Britain, a vision alight,
Inspiring minds, skills shining bright.
Beyond facts and figures, wisdom is found,
By nurturing character, humanity abound.
So, stepping forward into a new world of flow,
We see values valued, and purpose grow.
With creativity, sustainability, and wellbeing too,
A harmonious future, a world anew.
A year ahead, that's bright and light,
Filled with purposeful days, and stars by night.
In the tapestry of time, let humanity see,
A world able to flourish, and a life meant to be.
© 2023 David J. Clift
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and
New Year!
David Clift
Purposeful Ambassador®
Co-founder, Purposeful Education
Founder, Good Turns & Purposeful Enterprises
Co-developer of Purposeful Britain and a Purposeful World
† Purposeful Britain™, Purposeful Education™, Values are Valued™, Purposeful Coach™, Purposeful Learner™, Purposeful Ambassador™, Purposeful School™, Purposeful Communities™, Purposeful Government™, Purposeful Organizations™, Collaborative Education™, Good Turns™ are all recognised/registered trademarks.
© Good Turns Foundation 2024, all rights reserved.